Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Part time work = Part time crafting

It's Christmas time!! Love me some holiday activities like Christmas shopping.. no, wait, I did all of that already. Oh!! Chris and I can get our annual holiday ornament... no, that's done, too.

Put up decorations? No room in our mini-apartment *hmph*

Wrap presents? Nupe, done..

Crafts? ..I could do crafts!!!


Bank Account Balance : $5.32


Well, what could I do that's free? Maybe I could just use whatever I have on hand? Wait, I got rid of all my crafty things because I never used them...

I hate me.

Well I guess it's another long day of Pinterest and Reddit and WAIT PAINT CHIPS ARE A THING AND FREE AND I HAVE SCISSORS AND GLUE YESSSSSSS.

*insert paint chip gathering montage here*

Ohhhh.. yeaaaah.

Since it's wintertime and I'm in the part of the country where "snow" is a foreign concept, I went for pale blues/purples/greens with a smattering of white/grey to give a more snowy feel to these. I also got a few larger "sample books" with thicker paper for larger projects and support. Eventually I'll need to get red/green chips for more Christmasy projects.


The Inspiration

Image source: Meine Grune Wiese

Image Source: Lia Griffith


The Result (so far)

There'll eventually be more, but my fingers decided that I was done playing with the X-Acto knife for the day. I'm pretty stoked about the results so far! The "mountain" in the background could be done better (and might be re-done on another large sample book). I'm not overly fond of how asymmetrical it is. BUT overall it's pretty neat lookin. :)


Sunday, December 7, 2014

And then, 3 years later...

Felt like talking too much again. Also, it seems like the title of this blog applies really well to my life in general, and it was being wasted as an abandoned cooking blog.

So now it's an everything blog.

So there.

Quick bullet points of things that have happened in the last three years:
  • Got poor
  • Moved in with Chris' parents
  • Chris faced the trials of HVAC and came out a boss
  • Got a new job as a not-a-groomer
  • Got laid off as a not-a-groomer
  • Got engaged
  • Became a groomer again at friend's shop
  • Signed up for school

...I think that's it. So now it's wedding planning and garden planning and occasional crafting and ranting.Definitely not just sitting around and surfing pinterest too much nope not me.
