Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Part time work = Part time crafting

It's Christmas time!! Love me some holiday activities like Christmas shopping.. no, wait, I did all of that already. Oh!! Chris and I can get our annual holiday ornament... no, that's done, too.

Put up decorations? No room in our mini-apartment *hmph*

Wrap presents? Nupe, done..

Crafts? ..I could do crafts!!!


Bank Account Balance : $5.32


Well, what could I do that's free? Maybe I could just use whatever I have on hand? Wait, I got rid of all my crafty things because I never used them...

I hate me.

Well I guess it's another long day of Pinterest and Reddit and WAIT PAINT CHIPS ARE A THING AND FREE AND I HAVE SCISSORS AND GLUE YESSSSSSS.

*insert paint chip gathering montage here*

Ohhhh.. yeaaaah.

Since it's wintertime and I'm in the part of the country where "snow" is a foreign concept, I went for pale blues/purples/greens with a smattering of white/grey to give a more snowy feel to these. I also got a few larger "sample books" with thicker paper for larger projects and support. Eventually I'll need to get red/green chips for more Christmasy projects.


The Inspiration

Image source: Meine Grune Wiese

Image Source: Lia Griffith


The Result (so far)

There'll eventually be more, but my fingers decided that I was done playing with the X-Acto knife for the day. I'm pretty stoked about the results so far! The "mountain" in the background could be done better (and might be re-done on another large sample book). I'm not overly fond of how asymmetrical it is. BUT overall it's pretty neat lookin. :)


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